Collaboration is a key factor to improving your presentation skills.
Consider last months sales presentations or last months company presentations. How well did they go? What measures did you apply with regard to feedback? Was getting the order sufficient? How did the audience react during your presentation? Were you script perfect? Were all the questions answered with positive language or support?
All too often the answer to these questions are unknown. It is estimated that in the region of 30 million PowerPoint presentations are created each day. With other online presentation solutions available, this figure will grow. But so will the number of presenters applying no measurable analysis for their own professional development.
Collaboration - the act of working together with one or more people in order to achieve ....
Having a colleague tell you that a presentation went well is not a sufficient level of feedback for a serious business executive. They may have a vested interested in telling you it went well. Not willing to annoy a senior colleague would be a classic example. Also they may be wishing to improve their own standing within an organisation at your expense. Consider this. Is it the same colleague commenting on this presentation that viewed your previous presentations? If not how can they offer any form a measureability?
For those striving to improve and develop presentation techniques, new tehnology for the corporate environment is available. Viewing your own presentation will highlight small negative factors that can be rapidly eradicated from your presentations.
Video analysis - A key component
For instance did your colleague tell you or have access to the following:
You said "Uhm" - 12 times during a question session.
The audience body language changed significantly when a specific point was mentioned.
You were static for 6mins 20sec of your 10 minute presentation.
A measured level of improvement contained within your history of presentation analysis.
Allow electronic comments to be added remotely by your mentor.
This detail of analysis allows you the presenter to become a more dynamic presenter.
We all know that first impressions are important and these should not be underestimated. During a presentation though, it can be the idiosyncracy of the presenter that leaves a lasting impression.
Working and collaborating with experienced professionals offering an indepth mentoring service, allows this idiosyncracy to be eliminated from presentations. The feedback offered is bespoke to your specific needs and importantly remains private between you and your mentor.
For further information contact The Presenter's Handbook. Also find out how good a presenter you are by taking our online questionnaire.