Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Collaboration - A dynamic presenter.

Collaboration is a key factor to improving your presentation skills.

Consider last months sales presentations or last months company presentations.  How well did they go? What measures did you apply with regard to feedback?  Was getting the order sufficient? How did the audience react during your presentation? Were you script perfect? Were all the questions answered with positive language or support?

All too often the answer to these questions are unknown. It is estimated that in the region of 30 million PowerPoint presentations are created each day.  With other online presentation solutions available, this figure will grow. But so will the number of presenters applying no measurable analysis for their own professional development.

Collaboration - the act of working together with one or more people in order to achieve ....

Having a colleague tell you that a presentation went well is not a sufficient level of feedback for a serious business executive. They may have a vested interested in telling you it went well. Not willing to annoy a senior colleague would be a classic example. Also they may be wishing to improve their own standing within an organisation at your expense. Consider this. Is it the same colleague commenting on this presentation that viewed your previous presentations?  If not how can they offer any form a measureability? 

For those striving to improve and develop presentation techniques, new tehnology for the corporate environment is available.  Viewing your own presentation will highlight small negative factors that can be rapidly eradicated from your presentations. 

 Video analysis - A key component

For instance did your colleague tell you or have access to the following:

You said "Uhm" - 12 times during a question session.
The audience body language changed significantly when a specific point was mentioned.
You were static for 6mins 20sec of your 10 minute presentation.
A measured level of improvement contained within your history of presentation analysis.
Allow electronic comments to be added remotely by your mentor.

This detail of analysis allows you the presenter to become a more dynamic presenter. 

We all know that first impressions are important and these should not be underestimated. During a presentation though, it can be the idiosyncracy of the presenter that leaves a lasting impression.

Working and collaborating with experienced professionals offering an indepth mentoring service, allows this idiosyncracy to be eliminated from presentations. The feedback offered is bespoke to your specific needs and importantly remains private between you and your mentor.

For further information contact The Presenter's Handbook.  Also find out how good a presenter you are by taking our online questionnaire

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

The perfect discovery for your company?

A Midlands training company has launched a high-tech solution to business leaders and sales executives who want to improve their presentation skills.

The equipment records and analyses presentations and sales pitches instantaneously and in more detail than ever before, and could put an end to the massive cost of business lost through poor presentations.

And using internet technology, the equipment is capable of allowing comment and analysis of a presentation by someone on the other side of the world.

Named Discovery, the equipment consists of two synchronised video iPod camera systems which film the presenter and the audience simultaneously. Using wireless infra-red tracking, the Discovery follows the presenter automatically, while instantly recording audience reaction.

The recordings can be viewed for later analysis which covers presentation delivery skills, voice tone, hand and head movements, audience reactions and any other features relevant to the presentation. The analysis tools can be customised for individual requirements.

Discovery has been launched by Lichfield-based company The Presenter’s Handbook. Joint managing directors Ian Callow and Phillip Adcock are experts in the field of presenter training, business communications and psychology.

Phillip Adcock said the Discovery equipment turned every presentation scenario – real or rehearsed – into an observatory which can be used to hone presentation skills.

He said, “As businessmen we have all sat through presentations which are truly awful, but very often the presenter doesn’t realise how bad their presentation is and hasn’t a clue how to improve. This equipment gives real-time analysis and has demonstrated startling results. A company only needs to analyse how much it costs to engage in a business presentation only to be unsuccessful in order to understand how valuable it can be. If the success rate only improves by 10 per cent I can add a small fortune to a company’s bottom line.”

“The equipment has a wide range of business applications, but the most obvious are as a training aid for presenter training, staff development or measurement of sales performance. The recorded material can be replayed and analysed on demand.”

The Discovery was originally developed by Iris Connect, based at the University of Sussex. It was originally envisaged as a tool for the education sector, helping teacher development. Now trainers at The Presenter’s Handbook have adapted it for business use.

Ian Callow and Phillip Adcock, as well as running the company, are joint authors of The Presenter’s Handbook, which was published last year as a guide for business communicators.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Take the decisive step

At the Presenter's Handbook we believe that everyone can improve their presentation ability.  The key is to accept that initial step and act upon it.  Are you ready to take the decisive step to presentation success?

The video outlines the important components that should be considered when developing presentation skills. All you need to decide is which component do you need support, to make you a PowerPresenter?

You can contact The Presenter's Handbook through the usual channels as outlined in the video.  Remember the book is just the starting point in your professional development.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Which one matches your need?

The Presenter's Handbook is so much more than a book.  It allows presenter's to develop core skills and techniques in presenting.

We are transforming perception and expectation of presenting. 

The first important step in presenting is understanding that none of us are perfect, it takes time to continuously improve presentation performance. As your first step in acknowledging that your presentation skills can be improved try the quick test on our website.  The average score is 8/15.  This proves many of us need to improve those presentation skills.

Once that important step is acknowledged, you can improve your presentation skills. The next step is deciding where the improvement would have a significant impact. A selection of courses are available covering physiology, psychology, performance, reflection and 2 courses designed specifically for the presentation.

If these courses do not match exactly, for example a sales team, then The Presenter's Handbook can offer a bespoke selection of courses.

Once the training is over, the process of improvement does not stop.  We offer remote analysis of presentations through secure servers.  This allows you to view your presentation and feedback from anywhere in the world. 

As we said constant improvement for professional development.

It all starts with you though, taking that first step of acknowledging improvement is possible.

Full chapter registration

On line presenter test

Full course out line

Buy the book
Continual Professional Development

State of the art video analysis

Remote access for clients

Worldwide access
To support mentoring The Presenter's Handbook have a selection of courses that address many of the issues experienced by presenter's.  

Which one matches your need?

Improve the physiology of presenting.

Removing fears of presenting.

Understanding body language.

Understanding mood.

Where to look and how to talk.
Improve the psychology of presenting.

Creating positive anchors as latches.

How memory influences an audience.

Cognitive dissonance to build slides.

Central fitness indicators.

Improve the performance of presenting.

Key message and story.

Addressing the audience.

Dual encoding of talk and graphic

Understanding the audience requirements.
Improve initial presentation skills.

Consideration of bullets and graphics.

Consideration of text and numbers.

What constitutes a distraction?

Interaction a key driver.

Improve the complete presentation.

Orientation and freedom to move.

Tactical pause in the presentation.

Allowing questions.

Understand the running order.
Importance of reflection on a presentation.

Audience participation.


Generation of feedback.

The final thought.

Monday, 28 January 2013

A poor presenters checklist

All to often we have to sit through presentations at conferences and exhibitions where the presenter is the weak link.  Have a bit of fun with this checklist and see how many of these the presenter of your next presentation actually does.

If they do five or more let us know at The Presenters Handbook and we will enter them into a prize draw. Those submitting will also be in with a chance of winning a signed hardback copy of The Presenter's Handbook.

All we need is the following:

Name of presenter

Company represented

Where was the presentation?

When was the presentation?


Your A to Z checklist

Inclusion of abstract clip art and noises.

Bullet point after bullet point on every slide.

Colours clash on graphs making them illegible.

Your doodling gets more and more detailed as the presentation goes on.
The presenter offers no eye contact with the audience.

The presenter does not change facial expression whilst presenting.
Garish clothing detracts from the presentation.

Hands have the shakes when presenting.

The presenter offers no interaction with the audience.

Inappropriate or unfunny jokes form the basis of the presentation.
Not one key message is clear during the presentation.
The presenter does not emerge from behind the lectern.

The presenter does not mingle with the audience before or after the presentation.
No notes where supplied following the presentation.

Outside influences are blamed for all small errors.

Printing off the PowerPoint presentation does not constitute a set of notes.
Questions from the audience are not acknowledged .

The presenter has to read every word of each slide to get their message across.
The presenter has a sweaty brow or sweaty armpits.

The presenter runs out of time, rushing the key message at the end.
The presenter is unrehearsed, not knowing what is coming on the next slide.
The presenter does not realise that watching a video of over 30 seconds the audience can lose interest.
You find it more interesting to look out of the window during the presentation.
The presentation was XL in length, meaning you started to fidget.
Yes you can make a difference to the presenter.  Tell them about The Presenter's Handbook
Accept a zero tolerance approach to poor presentations, help us make a difference.

Email your findings back to The Presenter's Handbook using

Wherever you are in the world make a difference and send us your feedback.

 Enjoy watching your next presentation.