This may come as a shock to some people: Virtually
everybody performing presentations to an audience needs to improve in some way.
And the potential lost revenue from not improving can be staggering.
Consider the following:
How much does a Pitch
Cost to a client in your organisation? (PC)
The Number of
pitches performed by your team in a week? (N)
What is the percentage Success Rate of those pitches? (SR)
Now consider your losses per week:
Lost Pitch Cost/week = PC x N x (100-SR)
This does not include the value of the contract lost to a
Finally ask yourself this question:
If an organisation has a pitch conversion rate in the
region of 65 - 75% a 10% increase in that conversion rate could be worth tens
of thousands or millions to the organisation.
The cost of training staff to improve their presentation ability then
becomes insignificant to the benefit available.
"How much
would you invest to optimise presenting performance?"
In the scenario above, as little as 1% of the potential
gain could be enough and that as we say appears a 'no brainer'.
Below are five tips to consider when organising training for
colleagues in an organisation.
1. Individuals
Assess the staff members in any organisation as
individuals. Do not treat them as equals, any training course should be bespoke
to cater for individual needs. Sending a
colleague on a course for self confidence when they are already confident is
not going to reap a high reward. Therefore pick and choose wisely the course
that best matches the individual. If you
are unsure then get an expert in to assess presentations either by viewing in
person or through video analysis.
2. Presentation
Consider the presentations that are currently used at
your pitches. Do they meet presentation
rules? Are graphs too complex? Are people looking out of the slide rather than
into the slide? So many presentations rely on the concept of bullet points.
These are then used as the script for a presenter. Breaking away from this
format of presentation is essential for any presenter. Again if you are unsure about the quality of
a presentation and specific rules then ask a professional, they will guide you
through this process.
3. Perception
Training should not be perceived as negative. Continual Professional Development (CPD) is
an important feature of any successful organisation. Perception by staff should be one of
involvement and wanting to improve. With
the right training, staff will develop skills that may have being beyond yours
and their expectations. The confidence generated and knowing they can compete
in key areas can only filter through to an increased pitch rate.
4. Measure
Training staff is all well and good but remember to have
a measure in place that allows you to easily quantify the improvement against
cost. Economic and market forces would need to be considered within the
equation so a simple increase in pitch success may not be sufficiently tight
enough. Consider though the number of pitches generated by pre sales presentations,
the cost of generating a pitch (time and materials), advertising coincidence
and spin off publicity.
5. Coaching
Already mentioned in the introduction is that virtually
everyone can benefit from presentation training, the level of training is the
key factor. Even the best presenters
maintain a level of coaching which allows them to maintain a high level of
CPD. This coaching can be through direct
meetings or via video analysis. Remember bad habits can easily manifest
themselves over a period of time. A regular 'check up' will negate this
To summarise virtually everyone can benefit from
presentation training, the hard part is admitting it and being honest to
yourself. Once that initial step is taken there will be no looking back and
your presentation style, technique and ability will grow with each successful
1. Individuals
2. Presentation
3. Perception
4. Measure
5. Coaching
The first step can be in buying a copy of The Presenter's
Handbook, followed by a selection of courses from the 60 modules we have
available which offer a truly customised course for your CPD.
ISBN 978-0-9571909-0-0